So, I'm finally feeling better from being sick. I was sooooo bored today, so I went over to my boy's house to play Little Big Planet. As soon as I get the money, I'm definitely going out to buy that. It's so much fun. I don't feel like writing coherent paragraphs right now, so I'll just make random notes or whatever.
-I've been on a 90's hip-hop/r&b steez lately. I guess I'm getting ready for my trip to N.Y.
-If Carlo heard the new John Legend, he would say, "That's grown man!"
-I don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween yet.
-Gas is $2.29 now! Please go down to $1.49 or so by N.Y. trip time.
-The Facebook picture thread has died down drastically.
-I bought these Space Jam XI's and White/Midnight Navy VI's the Friday of Discovery Camp for $50 each. I just got done selling the XI's for $120. I'm also selling the VI's for $120. So, I made $140. Not bad. The same guy is selling me some Nubuck XII's for $100. I'm sure I can sell those for around $250 or so.
-I'm currently printing the application to get into the School of Management at GMU. The deadline is on Monday.
-Monday was our 1 month. We didn't celebrate until Tuesday. We went to confession at the shrine and then ate at Osaka. The food was amazing. It came out mad fast, too. So weird! Then, we went to south and got her oil changed for her Corolla. The wait wasn't that bad because I was asleep in line anyway.
-I'm trying to lose weight. Like 15 pounds at least. I hate being a fatty!
-I'll add on if I remember anything else. Farewell.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
So sick of.... being sick
Sleeping without a blanket at Discovery Camp finally caught up with me. Plus, during the talent show, I got rained on as I snuck out to go to confession. Anyway, for the past 4 days, I've been sick. The last two days were the worst. After the talent show, I started losing my voice, I could barely speak with my own voice, and I was sweating in my sleep. It felt like I had a mixture of strep throat, a fever, runny nose, and crunchy ass coughing. It subsided a bit today, thank God.
Anyway, I had a big test today. If I effed it up, I basically won't get the B that I need to move on. If I did a solid job, I'd be straight. Well, since I've been so sick, I didn't have a good opportunity to study. So, I asked for prayers from everyone. I even asked for prayers via the long picture thread on Facebook. Then, today I went to the Johnson Center Library to go over the PowerPoints last minute to go over some things I might've missed. As I went over the slides, I really felt God answering my prayers. Out of nowhere, everything started to click. I understood the concepts. I could solve problems. I even got 100% on my Homework Manager. The past 3 weeks, I've gotten like an 80% each time. I need all the points I can get to get those 360 points for a B. So, I just want to say thank you to everyone that prayed for my exam. I love you all, and I'm here for anything you all ever want prayed for. I'm praying for my friends and family all the time anyway, but if there's something specific, just let me know. Thanks again!
Quote of the day from one of the people coming out of the classroom in the section before mine that just took the test: "Here comes the next section of failures." That joint killed all the confidence I had haha.
Oh yeah, Happy One Month, bunny!
Anyway, I had a big test today. If I effed it up, I basically won't get the B that I need to move on. If I did a solid job, I'd be straight. Well, since I've been so sick, I didn't have a good opportunity to study. So, I asked for prayers from everyone. I even asked for prayers via the long picture thread on Facebook. Then, today I went to the Johnson Center Library to go over the PowerPoints last minute to go over some things I might've missed. As I went over the slides, I really felt God answering my prayers. Out of nowhere, everything started to click. I understood the concepts. I could solve problems. I even got 100% on my Homework Manager. The past 3 weeks, I've gotten like an 80% each time. I need all the points I can get to get those 360 points for a B. So, I just want to say thank you to everyone that prayed for my exam. I love you all, and I'm here for anything you all ever want prayed for. I'm praying for my friends and family all the time anyway, but if there's something specific, just let me know. Thanks again!
Quote of the day from one of the people coming out of the classroom in the section before mine that just took the test: "Here comes the next section of failures." That joint killed all the confidence I had haha.
Oh yeah, Happy One Month, bunny!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Reign Over Me
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Shrine...
I totally forgot to post these pictures up. Before the camp, a few of us on the service team got together and went to the shrine. They all drove there, while I had to use the metro. So, I got there late. When I got there, I couldn't find them. So, I walked around for a bit and took pictures. By the time I found them, they were already done with confession. Boooo! Hanami was really good afterwards though.

From later in the day in Alan's basement.
From later in the day in Alan's basement.
Monday, October 20, 2008
This is a BS entry, but I'd just like to get this off my chest. There's some really hot, fresh rice in my bowl with some fresh adobo. And, I'd just like to say... thank you, mom! After the weekend away from home, I really really appreciate this food. Too bad I still suck and can't be mushy. I love you, mom! Shhhh, don't tell her. She might say it back haha. That's just way too gay for me to handle.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Discover Thyself!
"Sin is not who you are; it is who you are not."
Thanks for that quote, Alan. Actually, no. Thanks for that quote, Alan's priest. Haha.
So, I just got back from Discovery Camp. I'm oh so very tired. There were 128 participants. It flew by so quickly, unfortunately.
Random notes:
-It was pretty awkward blessing the rooms with Tito Art.
-I thoroughly enjoyed Chris and Alan's performance to random Tribe songs.
-'Odigwe, Eee-Keh.' LOL.
-66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66...... 67.
-Christian horse. Hahahaha at Carlo and Joe.
-The Apple tree joke
-fly blood splattering on my forehead
-OD gayness. To those that may have been offended by our actions, I would like to forward an apology from myself and Fune haha.
-OJ with pulp > OJ with no pulp. I'm sorry for shunning you all of my life, pulp. Kiesha, thanks for showing me the light.
-No matter what anyone says, my grape-cleaning method was pretty much genius.
-I need to see my vacuum/tango pics.
-The drove back home sucked. There was an accident on 795 and delayed us about 30 minutes. To add to that, I was already dozing off at the wheel since Lab and Ike were being bammas and got knocked out EARLY. Hahaha.
-I was so sleepy that when I dropped those two off, I went to St. Columba to take a nap. 'Lo and behold, there were people there that just arrived. Of course, I parked next to my honey, Kiesha. I was knocked out there for about two hours. I don't even know when she or anyone else left. Jerks! Can't even wake me up haha.
-Mike and Aileen did a really great and inspiring job with their talk. I'm honored to have prayed ya'll over. It's like praying over a nun and a priest who somehow got married haha. So much pressure! But yeah, their story/stories were very touching. Listen to them, kids!
-Faye: 'Ellison hates life.' Kiesha, stop laughing at that.
-The breakfast on Sunday was soooooo good. I freakin' love croissants and that pastry thing they had. I don't know what it was called, but the closest thing I can think of is a strudel. Whoever picked out that flavor needs to get a pat on the bac... butt.
-I wish I could've had better sleep though. Freakin' Labson didn't bring his own blanket, so I had to give him mine. AND, he hogged the bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor next to the bed on both nights. Thanks for nothing haha. On Friday night, I woke up at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep because it was so cold, so I just sat down and curled myself up in a ball next to the TV stand. Then, on Saturday night, I woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep again from freezing. So, I was like bump it, let me just go and sleep in the closet. It was amazing. No breeze at all. I mean it was still really really cold, but at least I wasn't exposed like Friday night. My sleeping outfits were ridiculous though. Now I know why homeless people just got on random ass stuff cuz they're just trying to stay warm like I was... plus the other obvious reasons of course.

Alan - That final worship was money. Every word really hit me. Great job on your joke delivery. I wish Krista was there to take notes. I'm just kidding. I love you, CP!
Faye - You always had a smile on your face no matter what was going on. I honor you for that. Great job co-leading!
Kieshandriatista - Thank you for putting up with all of my jokes. Actually, no. You better take all my jokes! It's up to you though if you want me to hate you with a passion or if you want me to wife you. I hope I burned your mind with the vision of me doing the SHAQ silhouette in my sleep.
Jamie F. - Hey, counterpart! I hope ya'll have a safe flight today/tonight! Thanks for reminding me what a camp servant does. I was like do we reaaaaally have to wake them up? Way to keep the road on the show.
Nate S. - Yo, you did a hell of a job working with the music ministry. They were real legit and a cohesive unit.
Francesca E. - I didn't see you a lot during the camp. When I did, you were either eating or taking a stealthy picture of me with your brothers haha. Good job with the art workshop. Your camera is crazy clear haha. $500?
Carlo F. - It was great seeing you again, son. Sorry I couldn't pick ya'll up though. Thanks for doing the talk haha. Oh yeah, 21! Not 18, haha.
Mariel - Hey, I barely saw you also. I just know that your charades team dominated the competition. My favorite was 'The Grudge' scene. Your workshop group took my favorite picture with the good and even on either side.
Fune - I really felt your sharing, man. Had me crying and ish. Thank God I was in the back hidden from plain view haha. That was one of the most passionate sharings I've ever heard. It was like you never left.
Charisse - Speaking of passionate, your talk was also passionate. Good job with being nervous for no reason. Oh yeah, 10 9 8 was a trip. FYI, it gets GREAT gas mileage.
Julian - To be honest, I forget what you did haha. I just know we were laughing our asses off for the most part. I was lovin' the white socks and flip-flops though.
Nikki - Great job with the dance workshop! That was really good for 1 hour to learn and practice. Oh yeah, it's okay... everyone likes chicken.
Mymy - Just like Julian, I forget what you did. With that said, ya'll should get married. I'm kidding. You were a DGL though, I think. Good job with that.
Felix - Thanks for putting up with my constant nagging about where your group was eating. Good job leading them, man. They seemed to really be attached when the weekend was done.
Mikko - I just learned that you were asked to share real last minute. I never would've guessed. Your share was really great man. I pray for you and your perfect moments with your family, dude.
Christina - Your sharing was great as well. I was rollin' when I heard the Jersey accent come out. I was like daaaaaaaaaamn! She got it bad haha. Oh, and great job representing the Holy Spirit in the dance.
Joe - I award you the award for being the best dancer and actor ever. Extra graaaaaaaaaaaaavy.
Music Min.
-Matt - I'm disappointed in the way that you played. Horrible! Come see me, son!
-Lab - Yo, your speed on the drums was finally on point. I can't complain man. Good job. No, great job.
-Aya - Your two solos were really good. Don't ever try to dance like a robot again though... or whatever ya'll were doing in the back of the room on Sunday.
-Mark - My man is sick on the keys. Good job with your share and your group.
-Patrick - I'm glad I finally met you and got to serve with you. I heard nothing but great things from the MD cats, and they weren't lying. Funny dude, funny dude. I loved your murder theory for Mark haha.
Did I forget anyone?
Anyway, it was an unforgettable weekend that will always have a special place in my heart.
Like Alan said, a week from now, I'll be saying, 'Damn there was really 128 people there. Amazing.' A couple of months from now, somebody is gonna ask me about it and I'll be like, 'Yeah, there was definitely 300 kids there. It was a crazy, tiring weekend.' A year or two from now, I'll just remember that God's love and grace was all around that place and inside every person... which is the most important thing to remember.
So, I just got back from Discovery Camp. I'm oh so very tired. There were 128 participants. It flew by so quickly, unfortunately.
Random notes:
-It was pretty awkward blessing the rooms with Tito Art.
-I thoroughly enjoyed Chris and Alan's performance to random Tribe songs.
-'Odigwe, Eee-Keh.' LOL.
-66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66...... 67.
-Christian horse. Hahahaha at Carlo and Joe.
-The Apple tree joke
-fly blood splattering on my forehead
-OD gayness. To those that may have been offended by our actions, I would like to forward an apology from myself and Fune haha.
-OJ with pulp > OJ with no pulp. I'm sorry for shunning you all of my life, pulp. Kiesha, thanks for showing me the light.
-No matter what anyone says, my grape-cleaning method was pretty much genius.
-I need to see my vacuum/tango pics.
-The drove back home sucked. There was an accident on 795 and delayed us about 30 minutes. To add to that, I was already dozing off at the wheel since Lab and Ike were being bammas and got knocked out EARLY. Hahaha.
-I was so sleepy that when I dropped those two off, I went to St. Columba to take a nap. 'Lo and behold, there were people there that just arrived. Of course, I parked next to my honey, Kiesha. I was knocked out there for about two hours. I don't even know when she or anyone else left. Jerks! Can't even wake me up haha.
-Mike and Aileen did a really great and inspiring job with their talk. I'm honored to have prayed ya'll over. It's like praying over a nun and a priest who somehow got married haha. So much pressure! But yeah, their story/stories were very touching. Listen to them, kids!
-Faye: 'Ellison hates life.' Kiesha, stop laughing at that.
-The breakfast on Sunday was soooooo good. I freakin' love croissants and that pastry thing they had. I don't know what it was called, but the closest thing I can think of is a strudel. Whoever picked out that flavor needs to get a pat on the bac... butt.
-I wish I could've had better sleep though. Freakin' Labson didn't bring his own blanket, so I had to give him mine. AND, he hogged the bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor next to the bed on both nights. Thanks for nothing haha. On Friday night, I woke up at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep because it was so cold, so I just sat down and curled myself up in a ball next to the TV stand. Then, on Saturday night, I woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep again from freezing. So, I was like bump it, let me just go and sleep in the closet. It was amazing. No breeze at all. I mean it was still really really cold, but at least I wasn't exposed like Friday night. My sleeping outfits were ridiculous though. Now I know why homeless people just got on random ass stuff cuz they're just trying to stay warm like I was... plus the other obvious reasons of course.

Alan - That final worship was money. Every word really hit me. Great job on your joke delivery. I wish Krista was there to take notes. I'm just kidding. I love you, CP!
Faye - You always had a smile on your face no matter what was going on. I honor you for that. Great job co-leading!
Kieshandriatista - Thank you for putting up with all of my jokes. Actually, no. You better take all my jokes! It's up to you though if you want me to hate you with a passion or if you want me to wife you. I hope I burned your mind with the vision of me doing the SHAQ silhouette in my sleep.
Jamie F. - Hey, counterpart! I hope ya'll have a safe flight today/tonight! Thanks for reminding me what a camp servant does. I was like do we reaaaaally have to wake them up? Way to keep the road on the show.
Nate S. - Yo, you did a hell of a job working with the music ministry. They were real legit and a cohesive unit.
Francesca E. - I didn't see you a lot during the camp. When I did, you were either eating or taking a stealthy picture of me with your brothers haha. Good job with the art workshop. Your camera is crazy clear haha. $500?
Carlo F. - It was great seeing you again, son. Sorry I couldn't pick ya'll up though. Thanks for doing the talk haha. Oh yeah, 21! Not 18, haha.
Mariel - Hey, I barely saw you also. I just know that your charades team dominated the competition. My favorite was 'The Grudge' scene. Your workshop group took my favorite picture with the good and even on either side.
Fune - I really felt your sharing, man. Had me crying and ish. Thank God I was in the back hidden from plain view haha. That was one of the most passionate sharings I've ever heard. It was like you never left.
Charisse - Speaking of passionate, your talk was also passionate. Good job with being nervous for no reason. Oh yeah, 10 9 8 was a trip. FYI, it gets GREAT gas mileage.
Julian - To be honest, I forget what you did haha. I just know we were laughing our asses off for the most part. I was lovin' the white socks and flip-flops though.
Nikki - Great job with the dance workshop! That was really good for 1 hour to learn and practice. Oh yeah, it's okay... everyone likes chicken.
Mymy - Just like Julian, I forget what you did. With that said, ya'll should get married. I'm kidding. You were a DGL though, I think. Good job with that.
Felix - Thanks for putting up with my constant nagging about where your group was eating. Good job leading them, man. They seemed to really be attached when the weekend was done.
Mikko - I just learned that you were asked to share real last minute. I never would've guessed. Your share was really great man. I pray for you and your perfect moments with your family, dude.
Christina - Your sharing was great as well. I was rollin' when I heard the Jersey accent come out. I was like daaaaaaaaaamn! She got it bad haha. Oh, and great job representing the Holy Spirit in the dance.
Joe - I award you the award for being the best dancer and actor ever. Extra graaaaaaaaaaaaavy.
Music Min.
-Matt - I'm disappointed in the way that you played. Horrible! Come see me, son!
-Lab - Yo, your speed on the drums was finally on point. I can't complain man. Good job. No, great job.
-Aya - Your two solos were really good. Don't ever try to dance like a robot again though... or whatever ya'll were doing in the back of the room on Sunday.
-Mark - My man is sick on the keys. Good job with your share and your group.
-Patrick - I'm glad I finally met you and got to serve with you. I heard nothing but great things from the MD cats, and they weren't lying. Funny dude, funny dude. I loved your murder theory for Mark haha.
Did I forget anyone?
Anyway, it was an unforgettable weekend that will always have a special place in my heart.
Like Alan said, a week from now, I'll be saying, 'Damn there was really 128 people there. Amazing.' A couple of months from now, somebody is gonna ask me about it and I'll be like, 'Yeah, there was definitely 300 kids there. It was a crazy, tiring weekend.' A year or two from now, I'll just remember that God's love and grace was all around that place and inside every person... which is the most important thing to remember.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
2008 Shoe Evolution
Hey, all. I'm looking to get rid of these guys. If you all know any people that wear size 9, let me know.


Playoff XII's

Black/Red XIII's

Total Air Max Foamposite (Tim Duncan's)
The shoes below are the ones that I've let go of this past year. Mmm mmm mmm how I miss them.

Sold to Jon Labson. I let them go for dumb cheap cuz I like the kid. If you get an F on your report card, I'm telling your mom you stole my shoes and I'm taking them all back haha.

Sold to Jon Labson. Also sold for cheap. Retailed for $150, sold for $60-$70.

Sold to Matt Almodiel. Francesca stole his purple laces haha. He doesn't know though. I think I let these go for $60. They were mad beat though but he didn't care. I got them for like $70 a few years ago.
The shoes below are the ones that I've picked up this past year.

Olive and Red Nike Blazer (Tech Pack). There's a black pair that completes this pack. I somehow got lucky and got the last sizes from $40 for the olive and $70 for the red pair. They retailed for $105.

Penny II's. This was in an earlier post. Man, I've been waiting 11 years for these! $84. Yay Swoosh account! Retailed for $140.

Aqua VIII's. I had to overpay for these. I bought them from Vince Lacsamana. They retailed for $140 and I paid $160.

Neon Air Max 95's. I had these before with the bigger bubbles, but I let them go in a trade. They were dirty anyway. I'm glad Nike re-retroed them. I got them at the St. Charles DTLR for $140.

These were a pleasant surprise. They're still at Elite Boardshop for $125. I got them at the Nike Factory for $60. I would buy a second pair, but they were all out already when I got back from Cali. Comfy as hell and very sleek looking.
Playoff XII's
Black/Red XIII's
Total Air Max Foamposite (Tim Duncan's)
The shoes below are the ones that I've let go of this past year. Mmm mmm mmm how I miss them.
Sold to Jon Labson. I let them go for dumb cheap cuz I like the kid. If you get an F on your report card, I'm telling your mom you stole my shoes and I'm taking them all back haha.
Sold to Jon Labson. Also sold for cheap. Retailed for $150, sold for $60-$70.
Sold to Matt Almodiel. Francesca stole his purple laces haha. He doesn't know though. I think I let these go for $60. They were mad beat though but he didn't care. I got them for like $70 a few years ago.
The shoes below are the ones that I've picked up this past year.

Olive and Red Nike Blazer (Tech Pack). There's a black pair that completes this pack. I somehow got lucky and got the last sizes from $40 for the olive and $70 for the red pair. They retailed for $105.
Penny II's. This was in an earlier post. Man, I've been waiting 11 years for these! $84. Yay Swoosh account! Retailed for $140.
Aqua VIII's. I had to overpay for these. I bought them from Vince Lacsamana. They retailed for $140 and I paid $160.
Neon Air Max 95's. I had these before with the bigger bubbles, but I let them go in a trade. They were dirty anyway. I'm glad Nike re-retroed them. I got them at the St. Charles DTLR for $140.
These were a pleasant surprise. They're still at Elite Boardshop for $125. I got them at the Nike Factory for $60. I would buy a second pair, but they were all out already when I got back from Cali. Comfy as hell and very sleek looking.
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