Random notes and bits of info that I've found very helpful in losing this weight and eating and living better...
-Ideally, you want 3 grams of fat per 100 calories. Anything more is undesirable. Obviously, less would be great, but ideally, shoot for 3.
-Something high in fiber slows down digestion and absorption.
-2.5-5 grams of dietary fiber per serving is good. Anything higher is great.
-For the day 25-40 grams of fiber is what to shoot for.
-Eat after working out to replace lost glycogen. Glycogen = stored energy in the muscle; used in cardio activities
-Eat carbs! Don't do low carb diets. Instead, do high fiber diets. Eating stuff like white rice = excess glucose which go straight to fat storage instead of eating whole grain bread for slower absorption. So yeah, goodbye rice!
-Anything with "loin" or "round" or "flank" on its label is better than chicken thighs (dark meat)... although, chicken breast is good.
-Fat soluble vitamins - A, D, E, K
-Types of fat = saturated, mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated
For saturated, you want it to be less than 10% of your diet (7-10)
For mono-unsaturated, you want it to be about 10-15% of your diet
For poly-unsaturated, you want it to be 7% or less of your diet
-There are no calories in cholesterol... To lower cholesterol, eat high fiber and less saturated fat
-Nutrition labels are VERY VERY misleading. Be careful!
"Reduced Calories" = 1/3 less than original product
"Low-Calories" = no more than 40 calories per serving
"Diet, Dietetic" = term used by both reduced calories and low calories foods. It may also be used on foods low in sodium, but not low in calories.
"Lite" = less sugar or sodium
Usually, something that might say "75% fat free" only mean 75% fat free by weight.
-Sodium = ideally 2400 mg/day
-At the supermarket, stay on the perimeter. The closer you get to the middle isles, the worse the food gets.
-There's this healthy popcorn that's out on the market that has 9g of fiber and less than 0.5g of sugar per serving.
-2/3 of adult Americans are overweight. DAAAAAAAAAAMN!
-More than 1/2 of the world's population is overweight. Terrible!
-Physical activity:
60 minutes of physical activity per day to PREVENT WEIGHT GAIN
60-90 minutes of physical activity per day for WEIGHT LOSS
-Have colorful meals!
-Fiber and sugars are types of carbohydrates. Healthy sources, like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve digestive functioning.