I was driving home from my boy's house in Woodbridge. This old white man had a thing for Pokemon. Dude had a vinyl character on every panel of his car.
Kiesha's mom came about a week ago. I forget who's idea it was, but we went to Oohh's and Aahh's. It was pretty good. The chicken was cool, but my favorite was the collard greens and yams. Yum! But damn, 15 bucks! Oh well. It was a fun night.
I was in DC with Nikki for this benefit show/fundraiser for the typhoon in the Philippines. Anyway, after the show, we walked back to my car and heard these loud ass birds. I was wondering what it was. Then we get to my car, and I see all of these droppings on my door handle and window. I look up and there's even more on my roof. SICK. These birds pooped on my car like crazy. There was damn near 1000 droppings on it.
This was at White Flint Mall on Wednesday. I went with my boy Samer. I sold off some shoes for $300. Good day. Then, we picked up Nikki at CP and went to the Hooters in Laurel.
This was during Thanksgiving after my parents had left for a CFC party. I went back home to change clothes. Then, my brother called me and asked me to bring his hookah stuff to my oldest brother's house. I eventually said sure and tried it. I always said no at Alan's house. It's pretty relaxing. The flavors were pomegranate and strawberry.
Part 3. Basically, what's going on is Martin, Cole, and Tommy followed Gina to her hotel because Martin thinks she's cheating on him. This is too damn funny.
This is pretty much the highlight of my week... week in and week out. (I love seeing you, too, Nikki!)
Community, 8PM This show is slowly becoming my favorite show on television. I don't have HBO like most of you, so my choices are narrowed down to the offerings of the 4 big networks: NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS. But yeah, I love this show. It's as funny, if not funnier, as The Office. Of course, it's a different type of humor, but I love it still. To me, the characters and their issues are more explored than in The Office where half of the cast only really gets a line or two during some episodes. In Community, it feels like each character has gotten their shine already at least once. Annie and Britta are cute, so that's a plus haha. Definitely a step up from Angela, Meredith, Phyllis. All in all, I'm glad I watched this show from the beginning and kept up with it. My favorite characters are Troy and Pierce. Too damn funny with their one liners! I also like the "warm" moments at the end of each episode... almost like there's a lesson to be learned... a lesson that you don't have to think as hard about to understand as you would for The Office.
Parks and Recreation, 8:30PM I probably only watch this every other week. It's definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. They have their inside jokes like every other sitcom. So if you've followed it enough, you'll know them. That's where a lot of the laughs come from. Overall, I enjoy the show, and it's a good lead-up to The Office. After watching Community, I usually gotta catch my breath and use this time watching PAR to prepare myself a little dinner before The Office begins. Some of the characters are bland, but they all have their moments here and there. It definitely doesn't have the same laughs per episode ratio as 30 Rock, which to me, has the highest out of these 4 shows.
The Office, 9PM First of all, I had no idea Oscar was Sarah Palin. LOL. Anyway, this is the show I've been following for the longest time, so I'm pretty loyal to it. I'm almost ashamed to say that Community is slowly surpassing it. I love the kind of humor that The Office employs. Of course, some of their characters are just straight up unbelievable... Dwight, Meredith, Creed, and at times, Andy. This can be both good and bad... good because it's hilarious and bad because sometimes I think to myself that they're trying too hard. Andy and Dwight need to start getting more story lines again. F Pam and Jim. They're already married... and definitely not as funny (mostly Pam brings them down). But yeah, love the show! They need to go back to the way they filmed the first few seasons though... now it seems like they're going away from the mockumentary style. It seems like they got cameras that are unseen by the characters and they have damn near every angle. Before, it was just a single angle for a whole scene following them around. This really bugged me during the wedding episode when they panned back and forth from Pam's face to Angela's face when Angela was harassing Pam about going to the bar. They had cameras on both sides of the hallway.. not cool.
30 Rock, 9:30PM This is funnier than all of the others shows, but the characters here just don't grab my attention like the characters of Community and The Office. I love Tracy Jordan and Kenneth, no doubt. I can't really say too much about this show, but brilliant. I wish I could get more into it. I'm trying though. I've seen all of the episodes this season, which is a step up from the one or two episodes I caught the last couple of seasons when my boy happened to be watching it at his house.
These are my favorite shoes ever. There's no feeling like having these again. I feel like I can sell off the rest of my collection because these are all I ever really wanted haha. Man, I feel like I'm in elementary school again running around our apartment home in Brooklyn. I love these to death. The past year, I bought the other 2 OG colorways (black colorway along with the white colorway) thinking it would satiate my want for a pair of Penny IIs. I bought those because Nike didn't say these were coming out. A year after those retros, this colorway finally came out. But, they were limited to urban accounts and I had no money. So, put those two together, and I had no way of getting these. This past week, my boy texted me and say they were up on Swoosh. Thankfully, they had my size. 40% off = $88 shipped. 4 days later and they arrived at his house. I picked them up a few hours ago, but had to wait until my mom went upstairs to get them from my car. Yes, I still gotta sneak shoes in haha. Well, whatever. I don't feel bad. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes in a loooooooong time. I've just been constantly selling. But yeah, Atlantic Blue Penny IIs!!
Jordan Brand and its designers have officially gone off the deep end. This would've been a dope shoe without that stupid hole. I love the shape of the shoe, that irregular midsole, the uneven cut on the ankle and the placement of the patent leather. But wow, that hole. What the hell, JB?!? Who signed off on this crap?