Corporate Finance 301 - B
Operations Management 493: Project Management- A
Operations Management 320: Supply Chain Management - B
Management Information Systems 330: Systems Analysis and Design - B+
This semester turned out to be very good for me.
In Finance, I had to get a C or else I would've been kicked out of the School of Management. As you could imagine, I could feel the pressure. I would get this sick feeling and pretty dizzy the past 3 weeks every time I thought about my final for this course. I only need a 45 on the final to pass (9/20 questions)... even then, I was still nervous as hell because there's so much material to know and so much available material to study that it's really difficult to narrow down what's important. Somehow, I studied effectively and got an 80 on the final. I was shooting for a C, but ended up with a B.
In OM 493, I only studied for maybe 3 hours at most. I studied in between the start of this exam and the end of my previous exam the same day which was MIS 330. I hadn't been to this class for about 2-3 weeks because it was all group presentations, finals review, and a BS class that he didn't require us to show up to. Still, I was confident enough in my knowledge of this class to not expend all of my energy into it because I knew I needed all the energy I could muster to study for the FNAN 301 and OM 320 exams the next day. But yeah, I got a 95 on the final, which gave me a 91 for the class. I thought I had no way of getting an A because I lost an easy 4 points from missing 2 quizzes due to favors for family. But, I got a 96 on my midterm, a 95 on the final, and a 90 on the group project... I guess got just enough points off of the 3/5 quizzes that I took to get that 91.
OM 320 was the second toughest course that I took this semester. I knew I bombed the final. I barely even studied for it. I gave it about 30 minutes. I pretty much said screw it the morning of the exam when I looked at the formula sheet... it had so much crap and it didn't say which formula was for which operation. It was nuts. I didn't even look at the powerpoints to see basic definitions and concepts. I just decided to wing it, take the L if I got a bad grade, and commit all of my time remaining to mastering the Finance 301 material. During the exam, I only filled out the true/false and the multiple choice which made up 50% of the exam. The other 50% was short questions and actual problems using the formulas. I was for sure not getting anything higher than a 40 on the final, which would for sure give me nothing higher than a D as my final grade.... come tonight, I look sign onto Blackboard and it says that I got a B. Amazing! I must've gotten every damn question right that I actually answered lol. I needed a 75 to get the required C to pass... but somehow I got a B in the class. Our professor must've given a mean curve... which is only right because she could not teach for shit. Worst professor ever... she didn't believe anything she said and smirked after everything as if to say to the class, "I'm just speaking, I really don't know if this is 100% correct." This isn't just me. After classes, people in the hallways would be like wow, what an idiot.
As for MIS 330. I only needed a 70 or so to get a C. I barely studied for this because this class has that type of material that you can't really study for. You just kind of have to know the concepts. This was my first final this semester, so I really wasn't warmed up at all. I walked into the classroom just kind of half-assed ready. But as I went through the exam, I gained confidence because a lot of the material was coming back to me... even though during class I'm online most of the time... I guess I actually listen to the material and retain it subconsciously haha. I know I killed the essays at the end, and I always do well with multiple choice. I ended up getting an 89 on this exam (expected a 70 prior to testing, expected a 90 at least after the test was over). Still happy with my grade.
I'm very proud of myself for the way that I trudged through the terribly schedule exams... two pairs of back to backs on consecutive days. I hated GMU for that, but I found a way to manage my time and prioritize the material that I felt I really needed to study. Everything worked out. My GPA has risen, I'm still in the School of Management, and primed to graduate in the fall.