Then, I played Scrabble with Nikki and Aya. Of course, yours truly dominated. Then, Nikki and I watched Lost in Translation on her laptop from around 1-3 AM. It was a hilarious movie and the tempo of the movie was right up my alley... so was the lighting and the rest of the cinematography. The only thing I didn't like was the ending. Damn it! Why couldn't they just leave it at a hug? Two of my favorite artists were in the movie though... Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson.
Then, we left at 3 AM to go to St. Charles Town Center. Failure! The mall wasn't even open yet. The only thing open was Kohls. There was no way in hell I was gonna shop in there with $40 haha. So, I just took Nikki and I back home.
We eventually woke at around 11 AM. Her mom made us some breakfast and we watched Ratatouille. Boy, do I love that movie! Anyone can serve! : )
Then, I took Aya, Nikki, and I to the mall. They didn't buy anything. But, I bought myself my first shirt ever from Up Against The Wall.
Finally, Nikki and I met up at National Harbor for its first ever Christmas Tree lighting at 4:30. Nikki and I went to Potbelly's to get something to eat to help kill some time until the rest of them showed up. They were all waiting for Joe to get to Faye's house so that they could leave. Anyway, we also went to this store called "Life Is Good." I can't wait to buy some socks their for the baby on the way next month. They were so cute. Anyway, Joe, Chris, Faye, Tita Reggie, and Kiesha met up with us at around 5:40. So, we still had an hour to wait for the show. We all went to Gaylord to kill some time. The following pictures and videos pretty muched summed up the rest of the night.
Our Potbelly's. The tomato soup was bomb!
My boo Kiesha in the elevator at the Gaylord. I think this was pre-fart.
The Christmas Tree finally lit up.
Niks and I waiting for the rest of them at this place called Saigon something something on Oxon Hill Road. I got myself a number 7 pho. Great stuff.
Sooo, I farted on the elevator at the very top floor. So, they had to survive that disgusting stench for 17 floors. Then, this guy at the very bottom came into the elevator as we all got out. I don't know what ever happened to that man.
After we killed time at the Gaylord Hotel, we went to the lighting. Here's a minute or so that I caught of the tree. I had other videos, but I was saying some stupid stuff on them haha. Well, here it is.
Here's some footage of the fireworks. I'm mad I missed the grand finale though. I thought I pressed the record button, but of course, I didn't. Ass!
After we ate at the Saigon place, Chris, Nikki, and I went back to Nikki's house to kick it, talk about some things, and watch a movie. I searched endlessly for a good movie, but all I saw that was interesting was 27 Dresses. It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either. Anyway, before the movie, Nikki's mom came downstairs and told us that she promised the Lord that she'd the Bible more often aka everyday. Unfortunately, uncle was asleep already. So, she asked if we could join her. Of course, we said yes. We ended up reading a few lines each from Psalm 91. I loved it. I thought that it was a great passage for reaffirming us that if we commit to God and put everything in His hands, we will be rewarded. Although it's a great reminder, we shouldn't only put those things into action when we read the passage. We gotta somehow find a way to remind ourselves of those things in the passage every single day. So, I enjoyed that imromptu teaching/reading. But yeah, after that, I had to drive Fune to Faye's house because that's where his car was. I always enjoy choppin' it up with Fune. We can just talk regularly and about anything, which is great. We got the same standards and point of view on a wide variety of things, so it's cool to have someone to relate to that isn't a girl. After that, the drive home wasn't bad. I filled up from the 1/4 mark for 9 bucks. I was pretty hyped about that. 9 bucks!
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