Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Want to Feel Insignificant?

It takes a few seconds for it to start up. But wow... my eyes were already popping out of their sockets after I saw how the Earth is compared to Betelgeuse. Then it just keeps on going. The universe is just crazy.


Anonymous said...

Eff, man! I know earth is one of the smallest planets but it's crazy to put it in perspective like that.

Ellison said...

I tried to comment on your blog, but it wasn't working. So what's your job anyway? Anyway, Jojo is completely right. Everyone messes up one time or another on the job. It's part of the process of learning and perfecting your craft, however major or minor it may be. Anyway, good luck! Yay, Kanye!

Anonymous said...

I work at a pharmacy... my first three weeks haven't really been going too well haha. What have you been up to?