On Monday, I went with Nikki to UMD's gym. There were so many different type of people there. I wanted to play ball and shoot around, but all courts were accounted for. So, I just ran on the track. I did about 2 miles. I mixed in some interval in there, but I couldn't really regulate my times, so I can't count it officially into my regimen. The rest of the week was very challenging though. During week 1 and week 2, I ran at about 6 mph. This week, I ran at about 7.5 mph and my rest periods were only 30 seconds. I feel like passing out after each session, but I'm seeing results. My clothes fit great, and adults have commented me as well as a few of my peers. Woohoo!
So, week 4 starts tomorrow. It's the same as week 3, but instead of 6 rounds of sprinting and resting, I'm doing 8 rounds of sprinting and resting. Hopefully, I'll have enough stamina to be able to give me all for all 8 rounds. My nutrition is also doing better. I'm eating more often with smaller portions. I've cut out soda completely as well as my old habit of eating random snacks here and there that never filled me up, but I'm sure those fats added up. I'm still keeping my sodium low. I just gotta eat more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. So, I need to eat stuff like cashews, almonds, avocado, corn, soybean. I didn't know seeds and nuts were so good for the body. I'm also contemplating on buying one of those bottles that have like omega 3 fish oil pills. I don't know what natural way I could consume that, so yeah, I might buy that bottle. Who knows.
Anyway, here's week 4. Thanks to http://losebellyfat.intervaltraining.net/Losebellyfat4/
Running Statistics after 3 weeks:

Running is basically my main even for my days now haha.
Anyway, what did I do this week... Hmm..
-Thursday was Timmy's 3rd birthday. We had a birthday party for him today. That was fun even though none of my own friends came. Well, that's because I didn't invite anyone haha. Most of them are in Vegas or I knew they already had plans. I wanted Nikki to go, but it was Aya's birthday today.
-I visited the camp Saturday night with Marion. Good seeing that dude again.
-I went to the mall with Nikki on Friday and spent time with her. I didn't complain at the girly stores as much, so I was kinda proud of that. That night, I visited the camp to help Jon with Talk 4. Then I ended up staying even longer to lend my words to the other speakers. It was cool, I felt useful and wise haha.
-On Tuesday, I went to CP to give Nikki some company. I was supposed to go to the shrine with everyone, but I had to find a place that cashed MoneyGrams. I went to like 2 CVS's and 2 Shoppers. None of those bastards cashed them like the website said. What a waste! I ended up having to drive back down to Clinton and go to that Wal-Mart. They finally cashed it for me. Then, I wrapped up the XII's in my car and shipped them off. I wrapped them up real crappy, too haha. It was embarassing giving it to the USPS person. Oh well, I made $150 off of that. At the end of it all, I still drove back up to CP and went to the shrine for mass. That day was way too much driving. Hot damn.
That's all that I can think of. Farewell, bloggers!
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