-Went to confession at the Shrine at around 11:45. They usually end at noon, but the priests kept going until everyone was done in line. We should've picked the right side because the cats on the left side were taking FOREVER. They must've been in there for 20 minutes. We barely made it to mass. Thank God we were done right on time. Alan was already in the pews, then I saw him and sat next to him. Then, Niks came, and then finally Kiesha after she was done with confession.
-Then we went to Ben's Chili Bowl on U Street. It was pretty near Marvin's. I got myself a chili cheeseburger for $5. It was definitely worth it. Alan got the same thing. Niks got a small chili, while Kiesha got cheese fries since she's fasting meat until this Sunday.
-Then, we all caught the itis. Horrible! Damn near died swerving on the road, seriously.
-We all went to Nik's Greenbelt house to chill for a bit and make fun of everything on TV.
-Then we all went to the UMD campus to the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. Nikki got herself some studio time to practice for the WOW GK show on Saturday at St. Columba.
-It went pretty well. She had her laptop with the video and song playing but she had a hard time copying the routine with the video facing her. Soooo, my genius self pointed the laptop to the big mirrors and then everything worked out. I felt really useful right about then.
-Nik was dancing the MJ's Man In The Mirror.
-One time, we turned the lights off and it was just the red heater lighting up top shining down on us, so we decided to shoot something in that lighting. I chose "Welcome to Heartbreak" as the song. It turned out pretty damn funny. If not, then all I gotta say is you had to be there.
The following are pictures from the day:
Structures. Yay!
No clue what the hell I was looking at over yonder.
Niks on the see-saw. I tried to get on, but the damn thing dug into my thigh.
Walking down the alley to Ben's Chili Bowl.
At the studio. Kiesha on the far left. Alan browsing Giles Norway I think. Niks doing some sort of stretching or just being cute... one or the other.
Here goes a video I took of Alan and Nikki doing some interpretive dancing. Of course, Alan stole the show haha.
After only about 30 minutes of practicing and trying to learn some moves, Nikki already had it 99% down. Good stuff. I particularly like Alan randomly swimming at the beginning of the video.
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