1. First Date (September 27th)

I definitely forgot to wear a belt. Woops.

Here's the cutest creature in the world... Oh, and the butterflies.
2. San Diego (August 20th)

Double date and La Jolla action.

I'll be back one day.

3. New York with Samer (November 20-23)
No pictures, womp womp.
4. Discovery Camp (October 17-19)

The service team minus a few.

There's one thing missing in this picture... me next to my nubian ebony queen.

And the Oscar goes to...
5. Kids Village (August 15-17)

Apple sauce tasting like some dookie.
Step up the spelling, Oyo.
6. Soccer In The Rain (Mid-summer, I suppose)
If I had pictures for this, then I probably would've been electrocuted.
7. My 21st Birthday Party (June 7th)
How's everybody gonna play me like that? : /
8. Fune Returns ; National Harbor (September 9th)

Still waiting on that call from Playgirl.

Bring out the cards.
9. Christmas Eve (December 24th)
Nikon FTW? Yes.
The hell? An adapter?
Duf? A busted ass cell phone?
Ay nako. Old ass shirts?... in a Spalding shoe box?
Nope, digital frame, homie.
10. Christmas Tree Lighting at National Harbor (November 28th)
Eating on top of a fridge outside.
Thanks for the picture, Nik.
Honorable Mention
11. Medieval Times (June 13th)

Farewell, Lani!
12. Thanksgiving Dinner at Alan's (November 25th)

Sound the feasting horns!

Here I go revealing the bomb ass pot roast that Nikki concocted.
13. July 4th ; The MVP is Here (July 4th)

We killed it! I was on fire that game. Who knew? After all those gay, feminine, not man enough jokes... who knew?
14. Nationals Game (June 22nd)
They got their ass whooped, but hey the tix were free.
15. Shutting Up North (July 25th)

This was very satisfying kicking that ass. I believe we won 4 games to 1. A couple of them being blowouts. It was fun giving that spanking after they talked all that trash.
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