Man, what a great fight... for Manny. I've never been that hyped in a fight before. Usually I just sit back and watch, but being with the brothers had me going crazy after the big punches. My favorite line of the night was: "Manny has gradually been reconstructing Oscar's beautiful face." Haha. The interview afterwards was just "aaaaahhhhhhhhh IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ahhhhhhhhh just ahhhhhhhhh bad."
Anyway, as for my day.
-I had a final at 10:30 AM. I hope I did well. I had like 10 minutes before the test and caught up with my cousin for a little bit. It's the first class we've had together after these 3 1/2 years haha. He's thinking about switching to my major, so that's cool. I'm about one semester ahead, so that made me feel better.
-Christmas party with the youth at Katrina and Ashley's house. It was a lot more fun than I expected. It was a great time actually. Plus, the food was awesome.
-I left the party at 3PM and went to St. Columba for the WOW! GK charity/fundraiser event thingy.
-Right when I got there, Nate asked me if I was gonna make a food run. I was like aight, whatever. Then, I became the errand boy to get Alan, Kiesha, and Nate something to drink and snack on from Starbucks. I didn't mind at all. It was only about 5 minutes away in Rivertowne and they hadn't consumed anything all day, so I was glad I could help. The folks are Starbucks were cool with it, too. I just gave them the piece of paper with the list on it, and they took care of everything. So, I left them a 3 dollar and 41 cents tip.
-When I got there, Nikki did her dance to "Man in the Mirror" which was awesome. I'm so proud of you! : ) What a great job you did.
-Then, we went to Sports Zone real fast to see if they had the black/red I's that I've been wanting. No luck once more. The bums in there had no idea what shoes I was talking about when I asked them. Asses.
-Then, we went back and saw Aya sing. After that, we finally got to leave for the show at Mason. It went by really quickly. It was only 5 pieces. We were done by about 9:10. So, it was only an hour long.
-We went to Dunkin Donuts for a couple of donuts, a solo pizza, and a Milky Way hot chocolate for myself of course.
-We got back to St. Columba to see everyone line dancing at about 10. I got to eat a bit also. Tasty!
-The older heads all left eventually and headed to Joe's house for the fight. Annnnnd, that's my night. What a long ass day it was, but very fun-filled.
-Oh yeah, when I was walking up my damn steps, my foot slipped, and now the webby part of my big toe and the toe next to it is slit open. I was bleeding like hell. Sucks man. That's what I get for not wanting to put my shoes back on after I drove. And, when I slipped, I fell onto my Aqua VIII's, so now those shits are a tad bit scraped up. Damn it!
-Oh well, it was still a fun day though.
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