I don't know how much longer I can take these crazy kids! Haha. I'm kidding. They tested my patience yesterday and were really, really bad. They wouldn't listen to me or anything. It was cool feeding them breakfast and lunch though. But, washing their asses, oh Lord. Their poop is never the same either. One time it's clumpy and green, the next it's gritty and brown. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. At least it's good practice for when I become a parent. Anyway, I missed two of my classes yesterday because nobody ever came home to take the babies off my hands. My sis-in-law usually comes home at 1, giving me enough time to leave and get to school on time, but yesterday she got home late and my other sister-in-law in the basement was asleep until 1:30, which is when my class starts. One of the classes was for a midterm review. Sucks! I really could have used that time to understand chapter 4 in Accounting 301 a little bit more. It's cool though, I got chapters 1-3 down. I got this weekend to study anyway. But yeah, once I got to school, I was soooooo damn tired. So, I was knocked out in my car for a couple of hours. The weather was nice, too, so I didn't wake up sweating balls or anything. I wanted to get into school at around 4, but I slept for two hours, so I didn't wake up until 6. That meant I only had an hour to do my resume + cover letter. I really pushed it with turning it in. I had to turn it in by 7:15 on turnitin.com. My turnitin confirmation receipt said 7:14:37 haha. Thank God for accurate times on the GMU computers.
Anyway, here's a couple of pictures of the babies when they're not little devils.

^Those are their Power Rangers stances. Take your pick: PR SPD, PR Jungle Force, PR blah blah. I didn't know there were so many versions out.

Timmy's ass poppin' and Selwyn still being a Power Ranger.

Oh, and as for the room looking like crap, they're currently stripping off the wallpaper and are gonna point it soon. Biters! Haha. 'Til tomorrow, take care and have a great day.
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