Here goes my one post of being a preacher. Well, I'm not really trying to preach. I just want to remind this to myself if ever I stray in the future. I went to the 10 PM mass at Mason last night with Nikki, Maryann, and some FCA cats. Anyway, the homily was pretty great. It opened my eyes to something that should've been really obvious. I just had never thought of it this way or been able to verbalize the idea in the past.
Basically, don't ask God for what you've earned or what you deserve. There was the parable about a rich person who gave people jobs. He agreed to give his usual employees the daily wage. They worked a long day. Then, there was a couple of very needy people I think. At the end of the day, they got the same wage as the people who had been working all day even though they only worked for a few hours. The usual people complained that they should be making more money since they worked more than the needy folks. They asked why the needy folks earned the same amount of money as they did for less work. The rich person said that they should be happy that he was generous and that they initially agreed for the daily wage beforehand. What the other people did had nothing to do with what they did.
This is how I thought that it related to me. Sometimes I find myself thinking that my glory road to heaven is pretty clear just because I'm pretty prayerful and pretty sure that I sin a lot less than the 'normal' person. But in reality, how much I sin relative to other people has nothing to do with how God will judge me in the end. So, I shouldn't be asking God for what I deserve. If he were to give me what I deserved, it would probably be hell or purgatory because we were a sinful being. Instead, I should ask God for his mercy and generosity. Heaven is a gift. It is not something that we could earn or barter for. Ahh, I guess it wasn't as easy to verbalize it as I thought. Father Peter made it seem easy haha. I guess that's why he's the priest and I'm the student.
Thank you for the words, Father Peter.
/end preaching
In other news, I had my first midterm today in Accounting 301. I didn't get a chance to study last night because I don't have powerpoint on this computer. So, I had to wait until this morning to go to school and study. My class was at 3, but I had a class before that at 1:30. I had to wait for my mom to look after the babies until 12:30, so I really only had about an hour and 15 minutes to study 4 chapters. All I know is that I'm thankful I went to the actual lectures. I'm hoping for nothing less than a 28/30. I got another midterm in BULE 302 on Wednesday. I needa get on that because of the powerpoint problem. Pray for me, please! : )
'Til next time, have a good week.
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