Then, when I got home, my whole family huddled around the television to peep '102 Minutes That Changed America.' The footage was chilling. The craziest parts were when the second plane hit and the girls in the apartment shooting the camera were yelling like crazy, panicking, and telling each other 'I love you.' It gave me chills down my spine. The other part was when people were jumping from the high floors and ending their lives that way as opposed to burning alive in the flames and smoke. The program was insane overall. I wish America could be as unified as we were 7 years ago.
On a lighter note, my second favorite shoes of all time are dropping at the end of this month. September 27th to be exact. Hopefully, I can scoop up a pair or two for retail and another one on sale. I've never copped multiple pairs before, but this is an exception.
I wish Nike would retro the White/Atlantic Blue pair though. This was the pair I was fortunate enough to wear to the ground when I was still living in NY. Oh well, I always wanted the black pair when I saw them on a fellow young kid's feet at a family party.
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