So, I went to College Park today. Nikki's internet at home stopped working, and her sister really needed the internet for her online class. So, they went up there. Plus, Nikki needed to be dropped off at her house anyway. But yeah, I decided to go up as well. There's always fun food and bubble tea up there, so I couldn't refuse the offer. Anyway, a couple hours after the drinks and the food, we finally went to the library. I got online and tried to do my accounting stuff. For the past 3 weeks of school, I've been so blown because
1. my teacher is Chinese and has a thick accent,
2. my ACCT 203 teacher sucked which makes me barely qualified to be in ACCT 301, and
3. everybody in the class seemed to follow what the F was going on.
So today, I was like aight I'll just wing this online homework. Before I knew it, I was getting everything right. I guess I just need to have more confidence in the knowledge that I have in my brain and the amount of information I'm actually (maybe subconsciously) soaking in while in class. So yeah, I finally got most of the concepts down. I feel smart in my major for once. Oh, and most importantly, the sky was sooooooooooooooo beautiful. It was like red, purple, pink, and orange all at the same time. God is good, reaaaaaal good. But yeah, what's a post without pictures? Here we go.
Smile, Liz!
Liz needs to take her school a little less seriously. I'm kidding, I think she's going for her masters now.
I caught Niks coming out of the library, then I promptly asked her to take a picture of me, too.
Yo, why is my face so girly?
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