Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Very Near Future...

Ideally, I would move out west by the end of next year, but it just doesn't feel right. I don't feel like I've paid my dues to my family. After I graduate this winter, my dad will probably plan on retiring shortly after... well that's what my mom just told me, although half-jokingly. So, who really knows? But even if he weren't to retire for another couple of years, I still feel like I should stay here, truly save up for the long-term instead of for the short-term San Diego lifestyle. Most importantly, I want to help out at home financially to ease the burden on my dad. Currently, my mom is still unemployed... as it looks right now, she's not looking to work. I'm very happy for her because she gets to take care of her beautiful nephews and nieces while wearing the apron that I sewed for her in home economics in 8th grade hahaha. But yeah, both my brothers paid their dues with helping financially around the house... one more than the other solely because one has more independence than the other... but that's beside the point. I need and want to stick around here for a year.. or two... or three before I embark on a new chapter of my life. My mom just told me that we have a 33-year mortgage on the house... I'd say we had it refinanced back in 2005 or so.. so that leaves us with 28 more years. Yikes! My dad is already 58 years old... so obviously somebody else gotta pay for that 28 years... or we can sell the house, my middle brother and his family can get their own place, and my parents retire in the Philippines or live with one of us 3 brothers. It's a lot to take in and think about, but the time to be concerned about this is quickly approaching.

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