Thursday, November 27, 2008

Epic Fail...

My family is weird. Don't get me wrong, we freakin' love each other to death. But, we're just not into the holidays like that... except for Christmas of course. But wow, tonight was a new low. My mom and brother were cooking from like 3-7. I got out of the shower at 7:45 to get ready. I got dressed up and everything... just to stay in my own house because I thought we'd huddle up around the table and eat. I thought we'd pray and say what we were thankful for as was the usual for the past 5 years or so. But, when I got out of the shower, people were already going upstairs and saying good night. They already ate! My middle brother is still at work right now, so that threw me off. I thought he'd be home already. But still. I just ate my damn Thanksgiving dinner on the floor in the living room by myself watching Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley shit on AI over missing practice this morning. What a failure. I'm about to head on over to Nikki's house in like an hour to chill with her family and Maryann. Sigh.

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